

CAFFE PASCUCCI Coffee can help people succeed in business

With the development of the market economy, many chain brands have appeared in various industries, and it has become a business model that everyone praises. With the reform and opening up, more and more people have succeeded in starting a business through franchising, and they have earned If you want to enter the coffee industry through franchise, then the Italian brand CAFFE PASCUCCI coffee is a brand worthy of your attention. It has been developed in the market for many years and its reputation is very good. Let's share the coffee with everyone. A successful solution for the brand chain.
The history of domestic coffee development and now:
At the end of the 90th year, the coffee was imported, and the acceptance of coffee by the Chinese people was still very limited. It was only treated as a high-end consumer product, and little was known about coffee culture. Before the Starbucks, Costa entered the mainland market, the Taiwanese coffee, the chain of brands began to diversify, increasing the business content of business meals, taking the lead in breaking the Chinese people's inherent impression of the coffee shop - there are dozens of young people spending A cup of bitter taste drink represents a place of success, but a place where you can have a spacious space, drink a variety of coffee-based drinks, and eat a good meal.
The quiet and elegant indoor environment has gradually become the best place for business conversation, friends gathering, reading and leisure. Due to the lack of competitors in the same industry, Shangdao Coffee quickly filled the gap in the market and became a coffee shop in the mainland market. It became the preferred coffee shop for business people and urban petty bourgeois. As a result, the best time to get on the island coffee, with huge market demand, quickly expand the store, the peak of the country reached more than 1,000 stores.
Time has passed, Shangdao coffee almost zero management of the franchise system, while constantly accepting the franchise, the internal division is divided, regional shareholders each occupy the mountain as king, develop sub-brands, consume a lot of brand potential but no energy to control franchisees, and finally The “big defeat” of the collapse of the operating system. The Shangdao coffee, which had the hope of becoming “China Starbucks”, has suddenly disappeared from thousands of stores across the country. It is believed to be the nightmare of many coffee chain franchisees.
The similar situation has not stopped. In 2015, the franchisee of the Korean brand “Coffee to accompany you” experienced the baptism of the “entrusted entrepreneurship franchise” franchise mode – the franchisee and the coffee company accompany you to 49% to 51% of the shares to cooperate to open the store, the franchisee Entrust the store to the coffee company to manage your company, and enjoy the dividends, but the facts of the high cost, deliberately hidden operational financial data, and the quality of the product caused by the default of the supplier's payment… Accept the painful lessons of losing money and failing to invest.
Although there are so many painful lessons, there are still many entrepreneurs who want to enter this industry. The reason is that the domestic coffee market is huge and the growth is very rapid. The difference is that in the end, who can become the last winner. CAFFE PASCUCCI Coffee's “Coffee Chain Franchise Solution” will provide investors with effective store guidance, which can effectively protect investors from those “painful lessons” and grow together with the brand to become the last in the coffee industry. “Winner”!